viernes, 11 de octubre de 2019

My Best Friend

I think that a Best Friend is a very important person in the life of anyone, because there are a pillar in our lives, they worry about us, they make us happy, they put their shoulder on which we can cry on, and other things. In conclusion they are so important, because they give us all the love they had.

Without a doubt, my Best Friend is Francisca Bravo, We have been friends for 9 years, it is a very long time to know each other. We met when we were at school, when we were in 4th Grade, in the beginning of our relationship we were enemies, because we had the same marks in the tests and we were very competitive. But then we met each other more, and in the end of that school year we turned into very close friends.

I consider Francisca as my best friend, because we spent all the time together in our school time, until I moved to Santiago, in 8th Grade, since that time constantly we send each other mails, messages in Facebook, and call once a month. But we haven't seen each other since 2016, because she was so busy in school and me too. But now we prepare a reunion in the end of this year, because she had been prepared to do the PSU, and after that she will come to Santiago to visit her family, and she will meet with me.

The best memory I have
with my best friend was when she invited me to her house in Rancagua, we stayed in that house for one week.

I love her so much and I am waiting to see her again and give her a big and tight hug.

viernes, 4 de octubre de 2019

The Best Concert ever

Well, I had never been to a concert in my life. And the principal reason why I had never been to a concert is because when I was young I lived in Antofagasta and in that city the bands or vocalists hardly ever went to the city. And the second reason was that my parents did not want to go with me to a concert, because they worked so much in that time.

But recently I want to go to a concert of a group called "LOONA" or "LOOΠΔ", they are South Korean girl group formed by Blockberry Creative. It is a group with twelve members, and all they have their proper representative animal and color. Their debut was very unusual, because they revealed a member for month, and every member had a solo album with their own style of music based on the personality, and they divided in three sub-units with a unique and opposite styles.This debut project lasted two years, it started in August, 2016 and they finally made their debut in August, 2018.

They have a concert with every comeback but sadly they only made it in South Korea, but I hope that some day they will come to Chile, and I will be in that concert in the first row, although I need to spend all my money on the tickets.

I like them so much because their music is wonderful, they did not have a single song that I dislike, although they have too many styles in their music.

viernes, 13 de septiembre de 2019

A Country I would like to visit

I would like to visit Germany, because it is a country full of  interesting history and I like the beautiful architecture they have, the Carolingian and Ottonian styles in their constructions are my favorite very much.

Well, I do not know many things about Germany, I only know simple things, only general knowledge as the history they have with the wars especially with World War II, I read and study carefully all the War, because in 9th grade I had tests and expositions about this topic. And I learned about the suffering the people had in that time with all bad things that happened. Too many people died in that war but in that time the technology made a great progress quickly.

I would like to travel all over the country because I think it is a place full of interesting histories, delicious food and kind people. And I am sure they have so many beautiful landscapes full of trees, lakes and animals.

I would like to study and live in Germany, firstly study because I would like to learn German not to depend on anyone in that country and to be independent and make my mom proud of me. And Secondly living in Germany, as I said before, I like their architecture, history, food, landscapes, etc.

 But obviously I like to visit Germany when I am older because I love Chile and I like to live here, but in the future I would like to expand my wisdom and I think when someone is travelling around the world, these people open their minds to different cultures and life styles. And I like that type of things.

viernes, 30 de agosto de 2019


Hi, my name is Felipe Nanjarí.
I am18 years old and I am studying Biochemistry in the University of Chile.
I was born in 28th February of 2001 in the Antofagasta, Chile.

Nowadays I live in Santiago in the house of the partner of my uncle because i don't have family in this city. But in vacations i travel to La Serena to the plot of land of my mom because i miss her so much because i only see her in my free time but obviously i call her every day. And I miss my sister, grandmother and my dogs (Totito, Quix, Lukas and Thor).
I study Biochemistry because in the school i liked so much the Chemistry but i didn't want to study only Chemistry because i think that i'm going to be bored in one point of the career i don't now why but that's my think so i decide to study something with Biology too because i like this subject in the school so much. Then when i was searching for a career to study i found this career and intermediately i though this was so cool but i knew that this career was not going to be easy so i study every day to manage finish this wonderful career.

In this class i like to learn how to speak and write fluently english because i think that's my weak point in this class because when someone talks with me  i understand what he or she tries to say to me but i don't know how to how to continue the conversation. So my expectation of this class is to speak and write fluently this language.