viernes, 13 de septiembre de 2019

A Country I would like to visit

I would like to visit Germany, because it is a country full of  interesting history and I like the beautiful architecture they have, the Carolingian and Ottonian styles in their constructions are my favorite very much.

Well, I do not know many things about Germany, I only know simple things, only general knowledge as the history they have with the wars especially with World War II, I read and study carefully all the War, because in 9th grade I had tests and expositions about this topic. And I learned about the suffering the people had in that time with all bad things that happened. Too many people died in that war but in that time the technology made a great progress quickly.

I would like to travel all over the country because I think it is a place full of interesting histories, delicious food and kind people. And I am sure they have so many beautiful landscapes full of trees, lakes and animals.

I would like to study and live in Germany, firstly study because I would like to learn German not to depend on anyone in that country and to be independent and make my mom proud of me. And Secondly living in Germany, as I said before, I like their architecture, history, food, landscapes, etc.

 But obviously I like to visit Germany when I am older because I love Chile and I like to live here, but in the future I would like to expand my wisdom and I think when someone is travelling around the world, these people open their minds to different cultures and life styles. And I like that type of things.

3 comentarios:

  1. Visit the places that are in our country and love the place where we live is important too

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. Hallo wie geht's dir? Wow German is a beautiful language and I hope you will learn about it
